Wild parks
Lüneburger Heide Wildlife Park
In the middle of the Lüneburger Heide the amusement park “Wildpark Lüneburger Heide” invites you to marvel and relax. In this game park, which with 140 different animal species is the most species-rich in the north, you can admire among other things the arctic fox, snow leopard, wapitis and wolves.
Experience the large birds of prey up close during the daily bird of prey demonstration or learn interesting information about the native wolf during the wolf lecture. The Wildpark Lüneburger Heide is open all year round.
More information: www.wild-park.de
LandPark Lauenbrück
Nature experience world for the little ones: The LandPark Lauenbrück offers its visitors the opportunity to experience around 200 partly rare wild and farm animals in species-appropriate free-range husbandry on an area of around 200,000 square metres.
The natural habitats of fallow deer, red deer, saki deer, wild boar, aurochs and tarpan wild horses blend harmoniously between extensive meadows, extensive pond landscapes and shady woodlands.
On the side you also learn what the annual rings of a tree can tell you or how to distinguish native birds from each other. Or how about a ride on the good-natured giant donkeys?
for the children among the visitors after the romp on the playground?More information: www.landpark.de
Serengeti Park
Safari through Africa’s wildlife: Africa is not as far away as you might think: Serengeti Park Hodenhagen has around 1,500 wild, exotic animals and Germany’s largest elephant breeding facility to visit.
Either in the bus of the wildlife park or (at your own risk) in a private car you can marvel at lions, Bengal tigers, giraffes, elephants, zebras, antelopes, rhinoceroses and baboons in the open during the 10 km off-road safari through the 110 ha large area.
Affenland” with around 200 different species (e.g. chimpanzees, monkeys and makis), “Wasserland” (e.g. with whitewater rides and pedal boats) as well as “Freizeitland” with attractions for children aged three and over await you here.
More information: www.serengeti-park.de
World Bird Park
Almost all birds of this world: Let us take you to the world of 4,000 birds from all continents and climate zones! On 240.000 sqm you can admire the legendary birds of paradise in all their splendour, watch pelicans and penguins catching fish or experience the elegant hunting flight of eagles and falcons at close range.
The 30-minute flight shows in the open air are a real crowd-puller. Other areas of the park are also worth a detour: the tropical forest hall with exotic bird species flying freely over your heads. Or the Penguin Hall, where the keepers tell interesting stories about their protégés while feeding. The best thing is to plan plenty of time …
More information: www.weltvogelpark.de